
"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale."
-Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender

Tom Brown Jr.

"If you believe everything I say, then you are a fool. Your job is not to believe me, but to prove me right or prove me wrong."
-Tom Brown, Jr., Awakening Spirits, p. 2

Monday, January 1, 2018

The thoughts I'd like to have more often

"Wait . . .

"They're not really attacking me, are they?

"They're attacking their opinion of me,
  what they perceive as me.
  There's a lot they can't see, just by their nature, of who I am.

"But isn't their opinion of me just a reflection of themselves?

"By attacking that, aren't they attacking themselves?

". . . That's so sad.

"Is there any way I can help them overcome that?
  To help them escape from their own perceptions?
  Or at least, to help them recognize their misperceptions for what they are,
  and overcome them through the Truth?

"What? What are my misperceptions?

"That isn't the issue I'm--

"Wait . . .

"What are my misperceptions?
  And how do I overcome them?

". . . It seems I do have a few; maybe more than a few.
  I suppose it does take one to know one, doesn't it?
  That's what I did.

"But then, if it truly does take one to know one,
  and I only recognized their weakness because I share it,
  wouldn't it also work in reverse, or for good?

"Wouldn't it take a healed person,
  who's become aware of their own misperceptions and has overcome them,
  to recognize how to help another person overcome theirs?

". . . If that's true, then how do I get there? Where do I start?
  If I truly want to help others,
  and it requires my own healing in order to be truly helpful,
  then I need to get going on that.

"My mind and heart have a ways to go before they're ready to help."

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