
"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale."
-Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender

Tom Brown Jr.

"If you believe everything I say, then you are a fool. Your job is not to believe me, but to prove me right or prove me wrong."
-Tom Brown, Jr., Awakening Spirits, p. 2

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Of Redemption and Revenge

     That's the name of my current writing project. As the name suggests, it is based off of the video game series "The Legend of Zelda" (and, yes, is the game that I know lots of "mostly useless trivia"). If you have any questions about the story, characters, or have any tips for me to improve my writing, please let me know; they will all be greatly appreciated!
     A brief summary of common terms: Link is the main protagonist of the story, and wears a green tunic and hat, as well as white pants, in nearly every version of the games. Hyrule is the realm in which he lives. Magic Armor is armor that protects the wearer by transforming the money in the wearer's wallet into a magic barrier. I own nothing about Zelda, Link, or anything this story has. Nintendo owns those rights. All that I own is the organization of the various story lines and characters in this story. This is not a story written for profit; only for fun.
     I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: To Begin Again
     Link walked across Hyrule Field, alone this time, and gazed at the beautiful sunset. It brought to mind a time when that was all that there was; perpetual twilight throughout Hyrule.
     He shuddered; that was no way to live. With no true light, everyone had been transformed into a ghost, doomed to a miserable half-life of fear and uncertainty.
     Everyone, that is, except for himself. He had become a wolf, somehow.
     He had been singled out by the goddesses of Hyrule to save everyone, and defeat the great evil king, Ganondorf, and had barely survived the journey. If it wasn't for the help of one Twili, someone who lived in that twilight and enjoyed it, he couldn't have done anything.
     Today would be the day he found her again. He knew it.
     Eventually, he made it to the North Bridge. He looked down at a small carving at the bridge's highest point, three triangles forming one triangle. The Triforce, the Royal Family's seal. He pressed the bottom-left triangle, the Triforce of Wisdom, which was a hidden button.
     In response, the bridge rotated and floated towards the castle, where a hidden drawbridge was lowering from the back. The turning bridge was a mystery to Link. He could never figure out how it seemed to hover over the river as it did.
     As the drawbridge lowered, a figure in red ceremonial robes came out to meet Link. It was Princess Zelda, walking towards Link.
     No, not princess. Queen.
     It was so recent, he had forgotten. The King - Farore rest his soul - had died only a month ago, leaving Zelda to rule in his stead.
     When she recognized Link, she broke into a run and embraced him. “Link, are you certain that you need to leave?” she asked quietly.
     “You know that I am,” Link replied. “It's not just for me, though,” he added quickly, before Zelda could object; “I've been having dreams lately, with Midna in trouble. With the entire Twilight realm in trouble. Any Twili who doesn't regard her as a deserter thinks of her as a usurper, saying that she overthrew the rightful king. There's riots in the streets, attempts on her life, and she can't handle it! It's tearing her apart.”
     Zelda was shocked. “You saw all that in your dreams?” she asked, holding him by the shoulders.
     “They were very vivid,” he replied, walking over to the edge of the bridge. He looked into the river below. Midna was the reason he was alive now. She had saved his life countless times, and had become his best friend. Now, though, the only way to reach her was destroyed, and he had no way to repay her kindness. It was eating him up inside.
     Zelda came over and placed a hand on Link's shoulder. “Link, they might only be dreams,” she said soothingly, trying to console him.
     Link shook his head. “The Triforce marks on our hands glow when something important is happening, right?” he asked, looking straight in Zelda's eyes.
     Zelda's eyes widened. “You don't mean. . .?”
     “I do. Every time I wake up from those dreams, my hand is blazing. But that's not all.” He motioned to his sword. It was the Master Sword. “All the legends say that this blade is only to be used in the most grave circumstances, right?
     Zelda nodded, her eyes widening in understanding.
     “This morning, I found it and its pedestal right in front of my door. That leaves no question in my mind; Midna is in danger, and I am supposed to help her somehow. I don't know how, but I am. And I will.”
     There was silence for a moment. Then, Zelda nodded and reached into her sleeves. “I understand now,” she said. “Before you go, I have something for you. I know that you have a suit of Magic Armor, and what I have is perfect for it.”
     She placed a silver rupee, the greatest denomination of money in Hyrule, in front of Link. Curious, he picked it up, studying it. It had been carved to be roughly round in shape, and very smooth. “What is it?” he asked.
     “It is an enhancement for the armor,” she replied. “This is a family heirloom, made specifically for extended battles. When this is exchanged with the green rupee in the breastplate, the entire armor consumes rupees 200 times slower than usual, prolonging its protection. If your travels take you somewhere without rupees, this could save your life.”
     “Are you sure?” Link asked, understanding the sacrifice she was making. “I can't accept this, I. . .”
     “No, please,” Zelda replied, holding up her hand. “You've saved my life, as well as the whole populous of Hyrule. It's the least I can do to try to preserve yours.”
     A rumble of thunder rolled through the sky. “It may be best for you to start on your journey, Link,” she said, pointing up.
     Link looked where she pointed. “I think you're right,” he said. “Farewell, Zelda. May Farore bless and guide you always.” He began walking down the bridge.
     “Farewell, Link,” Zelda called after him. “May Nayru bless and protect you always.”

     As Link looked back at the castle while the bridge set itself back, he began to think about what he was leaving. Would he ever see the great land of Hyrule again?
     Oh, you will, whispered a voice, from somewhere around Link. In fact, you ll see it again before you know it.
     Link nearly jumped and spun around, looking for the source of the voice. He found nothing.
     He continued his walk, albeit warily. The voice had awakened a few forgotten memories: memories of darkness, of power unrestrained.
     Memories of Ganondorf.

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