
"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale."
-Uncle Iroh, Avatar: The Last Airbender

Tom Brown Jr.

"If you believe everything I say, then you are a fool. Your job is not to believe me, but to prove me right or prove me wrong."
-Tom Brown, Jr., Awakening Spirits, p. 2

Saturday, September 3, 2011

So many blogs, so little time. . .

     I've found that many of my favorite authors are orbiting alongside me in the "blogosphere," as some call it. It's really cool that, unlike (I assume) through Twitter, the authors seem a bit more. . .human. I can read what makes them tick, how their writing is shaping or has shaped their lives, where and how they get their inspiration, it's amazing! And plus, there's free updates on their publications, which is awesome! I've found about three or four blogs so far, and I can't wait to find more!

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Anyone can post a comment, but posting a comment doesn't guarantee it'll be posted, just so you know. At the moment, comments for correction will be sent just to me, while all the other comments will, Very Likely, be published on the blog itself after moderation. I'll still read every comment, and reach out to you to continue the conversation if I can, but in the off chance it's not posted, don't take it personally. This is largely to maintain focus on the topics at hand, and to avoid the confusion and ugliness often visible in comment sections across the internet.
Then again, this too is something I'm trying out, so if it doesn't work, let me know that too! :)